Education, Lockdown, and Becoming Human
These are strange times for education. With astonishing speed students and teachers had to adapt to the fact that our educational systems were to be switched off or radically altered for months—in some cases years—as we were locked down. Technology came to the rescue, of course. We discovered we might never have to leave the house again, and some of us secretly delighted in this novel reclusion. But then we were expected to resume.

On Being Human and Humane
Why is inhumane behavior on the rise? The short answer is that we are losing sight of what it means to be human. One cannot be humane without keeping humans clearly in mind, and the status of being human is increasingly disregarded. In short, being human doesn’t count. Granted, there is some embellishment in the preceding sentence, but only just. What now counts are socially constructed categories such as race, gender, or other modes of identity.

Houston Centre Blog Post Series Introduction
This blog series by our Centre fellows showcases how their varied yet unified research interests support the Centre’s twin mission: to explore, clarify, and articulate human identity in the contemporary world, and to contribute to the common good. In pursuing this mission, we are seeking contributors from all knowledge disciplines, and, ideally, also from different religious or explicitly non-religious traditions.