Fabrice Jotterand

Professor of Bioethics and Medical Humanities; Director, Graduate Program in Bioethics, Medical College of Wisconsin

Dr. Jotterand’s experience as an educator has been fostered by more than fifteen years of teaching courses in bioethics, neuroethics and medical humanities. He brings his experience to the service of Medical College of Wisconsin, the broader Milwaukee community, and the students in the Graduate Program in Bioethics. Educated in Switzerland, Canada, and the United States, he brings an international, multicultural and multidisciplinary perspective on issues pertaining to medicine and health care delivery, essential in our pluralistic society.

Dr. Jotterand’s scholarship and research interests focus on issues including neuroethics, ethical issues in psychiatry and mental health, the use of neurotechnologies in psychiatry, the philosophy of medicine, medical professionalism, neurotechnologies and human identity, and moral/political philosophy.

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James M. Houston


David Lewin