Michael Burdett

Assistant Professor in Christian Theology, Faculty of Arts, Nottingham

Michael Burdett joined University of Nottingham in 2018 as a professor in Christian Theology at University, having held a research fellowship at the University of Oxford for a number of years. His broad interests led him to undergraduate degrees in physics, philosophy, engineering and theology. After a career in the aerospace and robotics industries in California, he pursued further graduate work in theology and philosophy at the University of Oxford under the Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, George Pattison. He then moved to the University of St Andrews for three years as a researcher where he was formed considerably by the late John Webster and his students. He moved back to Oxford for two years holding a permanent research fellowship before coming to Nottingham in his present role as Assistant Professor of Christian Theology.

Burdett is a systematic/constructive theologian, specializing in the image of God/theological anthropology and eschatology. He also maintains a strong interest in religion and science with a focus on Science and Technology Studies and evolution while dabbling in Christian ethics with topics like political theology and bioethics. Finally, other religion and culture interests include aesthetics and secularisation.

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Fr. John Behr


Thomas Fuchs